Surrey BC Assault Lawyer
Surrey Assault Lawyer in Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley BC Canada
Criminal Defence Lawyer in Surrey, BC, Canada - Paul E. Briggs: Defending Against Assault Charges Since 1999.
Should you find yourself entangled in a physical altercation at a nightclub or facing charges arising from neighborhood conflicts, the specter of assault accusations may loom. In such circumstances, a profound comprehension of your legal rights is imperative, and expeditious consultation with a seasoned legal professional is indispensable. Located in Surrey, BC, Canada, Paul E. Briggs Law proudly features an adept Assault lawyer with a distinguished track record of successfully defending a diverse array of assault cases in Surrey, Metro Vancouver, and Fraser Valley since 1999.
What is Assault in Canada?
The definition of criminal assault in Canada is broad, encompassing the intentional application of force to another person without consent, as outlined in the Criminal Code. This includes various scenarios, from minor altercations at sports events to full-blown street fights. In certain cases, assault can involve attempts or threats without actual physical contact.
Diverse Spectrum of Assault Offenses
Assault-related charges span a spectrum of behaviors, from commonplace assault to intricate and severe transgressions. Paul E. Briggs Law has effectively defended an array of assault charges in Surrey, Metro Vancouver, and Fraser Valley, BC, Canada, including:
Common Assault
Assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm
Assaulting a peace officer
Assaulting a peace officer with a weapon or causing bodily harm
Aggravated assault of a peace officer
Sexual assault
Sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party, or causing bodily harm
Aggravated sexual assault
Surrey Assault Lawyer's
Notable Cases
Paul E. Briggs Law provides professional legal services and counsel in Surrey, Metro Vancouver, and throughout BC Canada.
Our lawyer's successful outcomes in various representations across British Columbia, Canada are evidenced by these recent noteworthy cases. Each case is unique, with its defense and resolution dependent on several factors. No matter how complex your situation may seem, Paul E. Briggs Law in Surrey, BC, Canada, can assist you. Our lawyer is dedicated to providing top-tier criminal defense for a broad range of charges. Contact us today to schedule your Initial Criminal Law Consultation.
Assault Causing Bodily Harm 2023
Client had broken into a neighboring residence and attacked his elderly neighbor. He was charged with assault causing bodily harm. Mr. Briggs negotiated with the Crown and made submissions to the Court and ultimately was able to persuade the Crown and the Court to impose a s. 810 recognizance and the criminal charge was dropped.
Assaulting A Co-Worker 2020
Client was alleged to have assaulted a co-worker while on the job. There were many witnesses with some supporting the complainant and some supported our client. Mr. Briggs made detailed submissions to the Crown both advising that he had a defence to the charge. The client received no criminal record.
Assault Charge After Warnings By Police 2020
The client was charged with assault. The complainant had contacted police on numerous previous occasions and warnings had been given to the accused. Mr. Briggs was able to speak to the complainant and carefully assess all the evidence in detail. As a result the Crown agreed to stay all charges against the client.
Assaulting Causing A Bodily Harm With A Prohibited Weapon 2019
Charges of assault causing bodily harm with a weapon. Client was charged by indictment with an assault with a weapon. After Mr. Briggs’ submissions to the Crown, he negotiated a s. 810 recognizance and the charge was dropped.
Assault 2020
Client charged with assaulting his co-worker in what the Crown alleged was an unprovoked attack. Mr. Briggs made submissions
to the Crown showing that his client had been the target of abuse the by several co-workers and the assault was in response to this abuse.
Mr. Briggs was able to have the criminal charge dropped entirely.
Assaulting With Bear Spray
Client was charged with assaulting with bear spray. The matter was set for trial but Mr. Briggs made extensive submissions and the Prosecutor accepted the proposed defense and agreed to a s. 810 ‘peace bond’. The client received no criminal record.

Get a Head Start with a Free Initial Criminal Law Consultation
At Paul E. Briggs Law in Surrey BC Canada, we offer a free initial criminal law consultation to those who are facing criminal charges in British Columbia. We know that seeking legal help can be overwhelming and stressful. That's why we offer a no-obligation consultation to provide initial guidance on your legal matter.